When we have the Women's Retreat there is always something to look forward to at the end of the retreat Saturday evening. I am in AWE at how much time,patience that the men in our church who are our Pastor, spouses, and friends take the time to serve the women who come to gather once a year. For some women its away from wifey duties, the stress of everyday life. Keeping everything together in the household, church, work and school. These men give up their time of relaxation, sport events, and their own time out of their daily lives just to give us a five star meal. I am proud to say that God has been in the work of our church. That we have Godly men in our church who honors the women at a time of fellowship once a year. I never hear any complaints. Pastor Darrell and the other men really put their craftmanship of creativity together to WOW us. I cannot express the gratitude of everything they have done for the Women's Retreat. I am pretty sure that the men who weren't helping cooking, were at home watching the kiddos while their wives were learning about God. Thank you for giving your time.
Maybe someday we can return the favor of serving you a Five Star Meal. God has worked in these men's life and has shown their service for him. I want to Thank the Men of PBDC for their greaaat service...
{You might not see all of the Men in the pictures because they do not like their pictures taken }
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